
Starcrossed || Thirteen

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

It was funny. The entire walk to the satellite building, Jared was practically reduced to jelly-legs out of anxiety. Every sidelong look cast to him by a stranger was like a direct whisper to the authorities... Like they could see straight through his jacket, see his forbidden passenger. It was hard to convince himself that it was only paranoia unfurling his train of thought.

But the moment he stepped into the cool tiled, overly air-conditioned lobby, a strange new clarity settled over him. He walked with a new confidence, suddenly sealed into the permanence of his decision. This was it. Either he succeeded or failed. No in-between.

"Emergency code six, Elise. Say it exactly like that. I'll come back for you as soon as I can." Jared said cryptically during the elevator ride up.

To his surprise there was very little security up until the second floor. From the moment he stepped out of the lift he caught the glare of three security camera angled to capture every point of the lobby. A young man with dark, slicked back hair was sitting behind a semi-circle desk. He raised his head from bland paperwork as Jared leaned against the front desk.

"Uh... Can I help you?" He asked, like he was confused as to why anyone would voluntarily come here in person.

"I was hoping you could give me a hand with this?" Jared held up his wristband. "It keeps giving me an error message when I try to make calls. Nothing coming in or out."

"What's the error message?" The tech asked.

"It says it can't find a connection." Jared answered, rocking back on his heels and heaving a sigh, eyes darting down both hallways. It was only a few seconds, but he spotted a sleek metal indent in the wall, a little alcove no more than a foot high, with a little speaker and an illuminated blue button. Bingo.

"Huh." The tech said, fiddling with the interface. "I'm not getting the error message but um... I guess I can give it a look in my office." He looked around, but seeing as his supervisor was on break, he figured why not.

Jared smiled and followed after him down the hallway to the left. While the man's back was to him, he reached in gathered up Elise by her waist. He pulled her out and set her in the In Case of Emergency alcove as he passed. The man turned into a small office at the end of the hallway, and Jared couldn't spare her a backward glance. His heart immediately ached with a fierce worry. She was right in the open, anyone could pass by. He just hoped she could act quickly.

Elise swallowed nervously, repeating the words over in her head. Emergency Code Six. She almost wished she could see where they were going. Not knowing the lay of the land was unnerving, considering she would soon be navigating it on her own. She practically held her breath when Jared began to speak. His voice resonated in her whole body, and Elise suddenly had an appreciation for the way Jared usually kept his voice a little lower for her.

Soon enough, they were moving again. Elise barely had time to take a steeling breath before Jared's hand appeared and took hold of her. Gravity fought with her sudden ascent, and Elise stumbled a few steps when she was released once more. She shook off the disorientation and pressed herself into the corner of the alcove at the sight of the other giant.

Her hiding spot wasn't quite at eye level with the people this building was meant for. Still, it was close, and Elise noted that she only had a few feet between the wall behind her and the long drop to the floor. She sidled up to the button, glancing between it and the speaker. Her heart drummed in alarm at how exposed she was.

Elise had to crouch to reach the button. She put both hands on it, pushing forward with all her might. At first, it didn't seem like it would budge. But, Elise gasped when the button slipped forward, putting her face right next to the speaker. After a single beat of hesitation, she enunciated what Jared had told her: "Emergency Code Six."

There was no time to wonder if the sensor had picked up her small voice. The button changed from blue to red and the ceiling high above practically erupted water as the sprinkler system activated.

Elise returned to the corner of the alcove, trying to make herself as small as possible. She could hear enormous, irritated exclamations as people started to file into the hallway. Elise heard hurried steps, and she almost cried out when someone rushed by. Her heart was lodged somewhere in her throat. Don't notice me, she silently implored.

"Remain calm. Please exit in an orderly manner. Remain calm." hidden speakers embedded in the ceiling blared a prerecorded loop.

A dozen people filed out of both hallways, leading up to the main stairwell next to the elevator (now inoperable). Men and women in bland grey pantsuits rushed past with irritated shouts, holding their hands up to shield themselves from being doused. Jared followed behind the tech, praying he would follow along with the others and not notice Elise.

With an embarrassing yelp, the tech slid on the slippery floor, falling flat on his ass.

"Just the cherry on top of a perfect day." He grumbled, pushing himself to his feet. He raised his head. His jaw dropped, eyes locked on the alcove. Jared stepped up to the alcove to shield Elise from view but it was too late.

With a trembling certainty, the tech stood stiffly under the sprinklers, too startled to even notice how drenched he was becoming. He leaned forward, peering in at the tiny girl huddled back in the corner of the emergency alcove.  

Elise felt as though she'd been solidified in cement when a new pair of eyes focused on her. A buzz of fear rose in her mind, clouding out everything the two giants said. Her ears still rang painfully from when the man had cried out. She stood stock still as the man observed her tiny form.

"What the..." He snapped his gaze almost accusingly toward Jared. "Are you seeing this?" He whispered.

Jared turned to face her, trying to keep his face blank. His heart was in a panic as their eyes met. He had to stop him from turning her in.

"Yeah, that is weird." Jared agreed, his eyes turning vacant. He spun on his heel and punched him in the face. The tech stumbled back, red glinting in his right nostril. Jared grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him into the ground. The man's skull hit with a painful clunk against the slick tile. He went still.

In one powerful motion, the man was out of her sight. The sound of the impact drew a startled squeak from Elise's core. A blow like that ... it would reduce her skeleton to paste. Elise trembled in the wake of seeing violence among these giants for the first time. Even though it was brief, she still heard the sound of the struggle after the tech fell away. Every instinct she had shrieked to avoid getting caught at all costs.

Jared stood up and scrambled back, eyes wide and his breaths labored. He glanced back at Elise, who looked as stunned as him. He heaved the unconscious body out of the hallway, shoving it under the first desk he saw. He came back and snatched Elise up in both hands, holding her close as he barreled for the side staircase.

A pair of hands gathered her up before she could react. Elise writhed in surprise before realizing who it was. Jared. She curled into herself as the ride became bumpy. She shivered both from residual fear and from the water that now soaked the both of them.

"I can't believe I just did that," he muttered, taking the steps two at a time.

I don't believe it either, her frantic mind tossed out. Elise reached out a shaky hand to Jared's jacket, trying to find a grip on the thicker fabric. Her entire body rattled as he bounded quickly up the stairs. They're gonna find that guy and he's going to tell them he saw me and Ambron will come and Oh My God Jared just assaulted a man.

Thankfully, nobody seemed to be using the stairwell Jared had chosen. Elise tried to get her pulse to slow down. She gulped down deep breaths of air and tried to get a glimpse of his face. From what she could see, Jared was just as haunted by his actions as Elise was. "I-I'm sorry I c-couldn't h-hide better," she stammered, still bouncing in time with his steps.

"There was nowhere to hide." Jared replied briskly, not lowering his gaze. He didn't have time to check up on her and dote her in concern. Not yet.

He flung open the door to the third floor. The layout here was much simpler. A break room to the right with a row of sleek black Auto-Fills and the server room to the left. A smile flickered over his face: the door was left hanging open from the haste of the evacuation. He wasted no time in ducking into the dim room. The lock required a hand scan identification, so to hold off intruders he one-handedly drug over an aluminum chair, jamming it in front of the motion sensors.

There were no sprinklers in this room filled with electronics, making every squelchy step of his all the more prominent.

"Okay... Basic satellite connection... Basic satellite connection." He mumbled, pacing the lines of black machines. He crouched down in front of a more simple looking black cube by the rear wall. "This doesn't look so bad. I'm gonna put you down for a second, Elise, don't freak out."

Before he'd even finished the sentence, Elise's feet were on the glass tile floor, standing in the small puddle accumulated from the runoff from Jared's clothes. He was all business, his hazel eyes sharp and focused with a new intent as he pried off the side panel of the black cube. It's quiet humming was amplified as he pulled the panel away, revealing a light show of spinning discs and woven copper wires. Jared got on the floor, angling his head so he could read the item number printed on the top. He remained in that awkward position as he held up his wrist and tapped the top of his wristband. He expertly navigated a turquoise web of projected settings. Finally he came to what appeared to be a blank screen with a flashing white dot.

The words ENTER SATELLITE SERIAL ran across the projected area. Remembering the number inside the cube, Jared listed off the ten digit number without a problem. Amazing how his memory improved when his life was on the line.

"Set up as private server connection." Jared added.

There were several tense minutes as the wristband struggled to keep up with the complex commands. The cube hummed thoughtfully as its allegiances were pulled elsewhere. During the stillness, he stole a glance at Elise.

"We've got to stop getting wet." He remarked with a wry smile.

His eyes darted to the door. He couldn't hear the sprinklers anymore. Was the alarm still in effect? Or were they nearly out of time already?

A short ping sounded off-- his wristband gave him a confirmation of server switch.

"We're in!" Jared again, raised his other hand to bring up a new call screen. "Give me the frequency."

Elise's relief flooded her face in a bright smile when Jared proudly announced that his hack had worked. She took a step forward, her eyes fixed eagerly on the wristband as she recited the frequency once more. Despite her better judgment, Elise was already anticipating hearing good news. Surely the ambassador would be able to send some kind of help. If nothing else, he could contact Ambron and explain everything.

After Jared entered in the numbers, the wristband accepted them soundlessly. Elise waited, practically holding her breath, for some sign that the call made it through.

She almost let a relieved laugh slip out when a fuzzy voice came through the speakers. "Galactic Frequency for Ambassador Krane of the Allied Planets. Who is calling?" The man on the other line sounded a little bored.

Elise subdued her jitters in time to answer. "Elise Fontaine, Diplomat Rank Three, requesting to speak with the Ambassador," she greeted clearly.

There was a pause. Then, "Is this in regards to your truancy at this morning's hearing?" the operator asked, an almost knowing tone to his voice.

"I'm reporting in after an emergency crash landing. Please let me speak to the Ambassador," Elise answered. While she managed to keep her irritation out of her voice, it showed on her face.

"Alright, Ms. Fontaine. Putting you through."

After another short delay, a new voice squawked out of the speakers, sounding a little tinny thanks to the interstellar distance and the mismatch in technologies. "Elise? Where the hell were you? Do you know how embarrassing it is when I brag to the officials what a great up-and-coming diplomat I have on my team only for her to not show up?"

Elise winced at the accusatory tone. "Sir, I had to make an emergency landing. I'm on Unaffiliated Planet Designation delta-xray-959. I couldn't make contact before now."

He paused, and it took longer than the expected satellite delay. "Shit," he hissed. "That's ... that's not good news."

Elise glanced at Jared once before asking, "Why? Sir, the planet actually does sustain life. My ship's computer had no data on it, but there are actually intelligent beings living here."

"Yes, Elise, I am aware," Krane answered delicately. "The thing is, the AP and their government ... well, we don't get along at all. You're in hostile territory."

Tell me something I don't know, she thought. "I know. I've been accused of espionage, Ambassador. I'm requesting an extraction." She wanted to yell into the communicator, demand to know why he seemed to know about this planet's inhabitants, but she had fallen blindly amongst them. It didn't seem fair.

Another pregnant pause from the Ambassador. Finally, he spoke in an almost pained voice. "You have to understand, Elise. These people are ... well, I'm sure you're aware, they could easily thwart any attempt we made to come for you. And I am almost positive that they'll take it as an open threat."

Jared leaned down to hear better. He was holding his hand in front of Elise for her convenience... But the more he heard the more his face fell. All the hasty assurances to send help immediately that he had imagined never came. Didn't they care?

A pause stretched out so long, Jared feared for a moment the signal had dropped.

"Wait," he leaned down to add his own voice to Elise's. "That... That can't be it! You're just giving up on her?"

"Who is this?" The ambassador demanded.

"I'm one the indigenous people here Elise was referring to, sir. One of the ones who aren't assholes to crash-landers." Jared said, feeling more confident to go on when Elise made no signal for him to stop. She looked a bit lost in her own mind at the moment.

"You have to understand," Jared went on. "We don't have the means to repair her ship. If you don't come for her--"

"Yes, I gathered as much from the fact she is requesting an extraction." The ambassador replied in a curt tone. "I'm afraid it doesn't matter. My hands are tied."

"You don't think she's worth the risk?" Jared challenged, growing irate.

"Young man, are you holding her for ransom?"

Jared gaped, realizing belatedly his dedication could be misinterpreted. "N-no! No, I'm trying to help her."

Elise stared at the wristband, struck dumb by what Krane had told her. She heard Jared start in, valiantly trying to stand up for her. But somehow she knew that the ambassador wasn't going to be swayed by anything he said. The man was notoriously non-confrontational. If there was even the slightest chance of angering another government, he would make no move.

Elise took a deep breath and blinked back the tears that desperately wanted to spring forth. Now was not the time. "He is the only inhabitant of this planet who has helped me, Ambassador."

A static-ridden sigh could be heard. "Elise, I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do. You really have been an amazing member of this team."

Stop talking like I'm already dead! her thoughts screamed. "Ambassador Krane. Please reconsider." Her voice threatened to waver, but Elise powered through the fearful pounding of her heart.

"Elise, you know I can't risk starting a war. Not with ..." He paused. Then, "I'll make sure your family is notified and receives your pay."

Elise thought she might be sick. She grimaced, and then scowled, wishing she could direct her death glare at the man leaving her for dead. "You're going to walk up to my mother yourself and tell her that you abandoned me," she told him in a dangerously calm voice.

Another sigh. "I'm sorry, Elise. Good luck." There was a short burst of static as the ambassador closed the call, cutting off the already-tenuous connection with Jared's wristband. Elise couldn't help but think that, considering her situation, wishing her luck was an unbelievably cruel thing to say.

Elise stared at the floor in front of her without seeing it. Her hands clenched into white-knuckled fists around the damp fabric of her doll's dress. Anger. Fear. Sadness. Betrayal. So many different emotions coursed through her that she didn't know which one to focus on. There was a tightness in her chest and she felt like she might implode.

She couldn't look Jared in the eye, though she knew they'd have to get out soon. He had just thrown away his last chance at a normal life for nothing. The only ones coming for her were people who wanted her in a cage. "What am I gonna do?" she asked weakly, helplessly.

Ever since he had embarked on this insane mission to rescue Elise, time had seemed to pulse at a mercilessly fast pace for Jared. All of it had been leading up to this turning point- when she could reach out to her own people once more. And they had rejected her in favor of maintaining the peace.

Now, for the first time in days, time seemed to slow to an abrupt halt. Jared slowly pulled his hand away from her, straightening up out of his awkward position on the floor. He stared down at the tiny woman, helpless to change her fate. She was trapped here forever. And though he would never complain to her, he was essentially burdened to perpetually take care of her if he stuck to his morals. They were both cursed in this.

Despite the time ticking down to their capture, ardent sympathy prompted Jared to tentatively slide a hand around her back, letting the weight settle as if to make up for not being able to put his arm around her.

He said nothing.

Trapped. Elise could think of no more options. With her basically written off as dead, there was no hope of anyone else helping her. Her own government had turned its back on her, and the government on this terrifyingly huge planet had evidently never been on her side.

The only one who'd sided with her faced the same fate she did.

Elise heaved a sigh. Then, she fought back the tears with a resolved effort. "We have to get out of here," she announced. Her voice didn't even tremble. Her body quivered faintly from the adrenaline, however, and she looked up at Jared. "Maybe if we get out before they see you, you'll still have a chance," she suggested hopefully.

Her breathing picked up as she searched the giant face hovering above her. Her voice was tight with the tears she wouldn't let herself cry. "We can still make it out, right?"

Before answering, Jared stood up and paced over to one of the long windows, peering down. Behind the building was a mostly vacant lot, fenced in by a high metal fence. There were a couple simple tables for employee lunch hour and recreation. Jared's eyes locked onto a humble space allotted for company transport. There were a couple newer looking scooters, along a short metal tower used to store the company hover boards. Though the scooter seemed like it would last a longer distance, he didn't want to chance not being able to figure out the controls and get caught. Hover boards he knew.  That was reliable.

He whipped his head around as he caught the sound of distant footfalls in the side stairwell.

"I've got you," he muttered, reaching down and scooping Elise up by her midsection. "Sorry, again." He apologized hastily as he held open his jacket pocket and dropped her inside. He zipped up the jacket, flattening the fabric against his chest to minimize the amount of jostling Elise was about to endure.

"Kriv- unnngh!" Jared grunted under his breath as he strained to pull open the stubborn-hinged window. It opened, just wide enough for him to squeeze out. He peered down at his escape route: the wall was slick, making for a long way down. To his right, was the exterior of a long garbage chute, leading all the way to the incinerator underground.

The wind stung his damp skin as he hung off the ledge. Three story drop, three story drop… Jared's mind helpfully reminded him. He sidled along slowly, favoring caution for haste as he made his way along the ledge. It was still slick with residual rain. His hands started to burn from the acidic residue. He didn't even want to think about how red they were turning.

Should've pulled on my gloves. Damn, He thought furiously.

He gauged the distance carefully, grateful Elise couldn't see what he was about to attempt. With a slight grunt, he leapt over to the chute. He wrapped his knees around the chute painfully, gripping hard with fingers that were nearly bleeding. He glanced down at his chest. He felt for movement from Elise to ensure she was alright. Then he began the slow, awkward descent to the ground.

The metal groaned under his weight at certain points on the way down, making him all the more happy to have his feet firmly planted on the sodden ground. Additional security was just now arriving around the front of the building, following the first few back into the building to investigate the cause of the unprecedented fire alarm. Jared wrenched an old clunker of a hoverboard off the rack. He set the heavy thing flat on the ground and stepped on. It was practically an antique- this worn out model could only provide elevation via rusted propeller units. He kicked the starter unit. The motor chuckled and hissed.

"Come ON!" Jared kept at it until the motor finally complied, jetting the propellers into a powerful thrust. The board rose off the ground. He could imagine the investigators checking every office, just now discovering the unconscious tech stuffed under the desk. When he woke up, he would undoubtedly give them Jared's description and reveal his alliance with the pretty little alien girl.

But by then, Jared and Elise would be long gone.

Starcrossed || TwelveElise heaved a sigh. She tried to think of all the things that would need to happen for her to make an S.O.S. call. "How would I get a signal out?" she asked. "Won't Ambron be able to track it?"
Jared held out his hand in front of her and tapped the black band on his wrist. "There's a headquarters in every city to make these work. Each one is equipped with dozens of digital broadcasting satellites. If you can tell me the frequency, I should be able to rewire one of the satellites to broadcast a message through space."
He faltered. "You... do know the ambassador's frequency, don't you?"
Elise leaned back slightly, looking over Jared's wristband with some curiosity while he explained it. He talked so casually about hacking into his planet's main communication grid that she had to raise her eyebrows. Elise glanced up at Jared briefly, impressed. She had already known he was good with technology, but this had to take some considerable skill. "Y-yeah, I know the frequency," she answered. It

Starcrossed || FourteenOne assistant remained in the area of the science headquarters that housed all of the critical security issues. Every top secret scientific endeavor that the government had a hand in, all kept under close watch. And he had been the unlucky one left to clean up and catalogue all of the work done for the day.
After the failed attempt to track down the alien using her ship's ridiculously tiny computer, Secretary Ambron had diverted many of the resources available to finding her some other way. So, research on the ship itself had dropped off somewhat. In the wake of that decision, the assistants had all drawn straws that day to see who got the tedious job of cleaning up after the head experts and their work on the miniature ship.
Lucky me, he thought sourly. He was trying to arrange the pieces of the damaged ship in padded containers for temporary storage. Something to keep it safe and out of the way while they fulfilled the priority of finding the tiny alien.
Still, he handled the


Co-written by the wonderful :iconpl1:
© 2015 - 2024 Obsess-Confess
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Phoenix-FireMage's avatar
Nooooo! Stupid war. Why can't you come rescue her???